May 29, 2014

Life becomes pointless when you don't have any goals.

It becomes really twisted the moment you graduate because you need to form your own goal. You do not have a time limit or number of years to achieve a certain goal you want to attain in life. It's like you form goals for yourself. You also give rewards to yourself. It's not like there is an achievement unlocked anymore. It's like you are now entering the survival mode. 

Life's really beyond a 4 years course. 
If you're not mentally prepared when you chose your course, if it was because of the so-called norm, or what people used to do and you think you have to do it because they are doing it... it's 50/50. And it sucks when you fall on the lower half. 

But then again. What would you do?

May 17, 2014

I just expressed my feelings to two important persons in my life. 
It is a mixture of happiness and tears. 

It's kind of sad that you won't be able to watch them forever. Like take them by your side and just watch them. Haha. But that bittersweet reality is something that makes you think about something, miss something, look forward for something, and believe that even though you are miles and miles and miles apart, you still have them. Someone to run to when a relationship goes bad or something. Haha! 

Don't know how to define this kind of love. But it is love and you can't really define it. 


May 15, 2014

Sometimes I wonder about friendship. Being clingy. Being attached. Wanting them to be yours forever. Feeling frustrated knowing the fact that one day, they'll not be by your side. Because they are already taking care of someone they'll spend the rest of their lives with. Yup. Partners. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Sad truth. And then you will look at yourself. Realizing how far you are than them. Because all you ever wanted was to have fun. Was to play. Was to enjoy the moment. And they start to grow up. Oh Peter Pan. I don't want to grow up. It just saddens me that things are bound to change.