May 16, 2013

5 Centimeters Per Second

5 centimeters per second: A chain of stories about their distance

I never thought, one whole movie could actually be sad from start to end. 

It shows how the protagonist hoped yet get nothing in the end. Although it is realistic in my opinion since once you move away, and live in different places it'll be really hard to stay together. Oh they weren't even together. They just share the same feeling. They didn't exchange I love you's or said something straightforwardly. They just kissed and that probably means more than a clear explanation. 

May 12, 2013

Fate / Zero

The first episode was confusing, if you do not pay attention to what they are talking about you'll be lost since it is an explanation of how things go in their world. I appreciated the fact that there has been an English dub for this anime, that I was able to listen and watch instead of reading. I can say that the first episode is important, boring as it may seem, it's practically a background check equally significant as the plot itself.

May 10, 2013

Sakurasou Pet no Kanojo

The Dorm
"Sakurasou" is a dormitory that is part of the art division of their school which keeps trouble-making students. Trouble-making is probably a big word but that is how they define it. They are not really delinquents or such. They just happen to do random things that caused them to move away from the regular dormitories.

May 8, 2013

Mogu Mogu!

I even took a picture of it!
Look at that bottle cap! :3
This drink is the BEST fruit juice I've ever drank since Minute Maid. 

I stopped by 7/11 and thought about which drink I should buy. I have my eyes on two products. Soy Milk and Mogu Mogu. I ended up buying the Chocolate flavored Soy Milk. The taste? It was the same taste as the cold taho my brother offered me to eat and he said it was delicious. Neither weren't for me.   I know I should expected the taste coming but, it has chocolate! It should have dominated. But sadly, it did not. 

I promised to myself that next time, I'll try Mogu Mogu. 

And today is that day. I walked down this morning to that convenience store and grabbed 2 bottles since I can't make up my mind between Strawberry and Lychee and it was TOTALLY worth it.


And she's like BAM !
I love you Mr. Shades
You know what, I started to appreciate sunglasses yesterday. 

I walked out of the house with a grumpy face and bad vibes. I popped in Mr. Shades and damn instantly, I felt good. Not just because I have my sunglasses on but because I know that they  they can't see through the windows of my soul.

Sometimes I judge people who wears sunglasses. "Darn this dude, wearing sunglasses in the train and shit, trying to look cool and stuff" Sorry folks, I judged you wrong. I never tried what you were doing so I never knew how it felt. It is true, that we should never ever judge anybody. Who knows, those people are undergoing bad vibes and wants to hide their eyes. Just like what I did. 

I felt that I have my personal space. Like I am separated from people and that I can do what I want to do, look where I like to look - like them fabulous guys, tee-hee. Mr. Shades so good. It'll probably fun to wear too even if you are not grumpy and stuff!

Thanks to this realization, I'd probably start to hunt gorgeous kinds of Mr. Shades.

May 5, 2013

Hot May Day

The temperature outside is so high that people's normal temperature is probably raised to 37.0 degrees. I mean it. It feels that way. 

Last week I did a lot of errands for my employment requirements, and every time I ride the LRT for accessibility and comfort, I get the opposite. I get hot air from air-cons and crowded train partitions. But whatever, it's not like I agreed with them to raise the fare to fix their services. I won't complain any further bro. 

In addition, last week was really different from the other weeks. In fact I'd like to let the doctor check me up, if I have cancer or what, since I suddenly fixed my life. I told you I ran errands, that is so not me. 

All these months I have been pinned on my beloved computer seat. I was playing day and night tolerating the low FPS and the high MS of my computer just to play League of Legends and get trashed talked for supporting them bro's. Can you believe I exchanged my time for my future? Praise the Lord. 

Right now I have an upcoming exam, I don't know what to expect!

If I have one wish right now that would be...
to make it snow here!
Really it is so hot.


Not getting any serious here

But yea, sure sure sure. I'm not going into stagnation.
