Jun 9, 2013

Wolf Children

"Wolf Children" is an animated film aired last 2012. I was not aware of its existence until I randomly clicked on its trailer in you tube. Not being a fan of human turned wolf, I had doubts about watching. Although reading the comments made me change my  mind The movie runs for almost 2 hours, didn't bore me at any point. 

Its not the typical set-up of story since having half human, half wolf characters already expresses a twist. However if one will analyze it, notions of various lessons can be drawn from the movie. In addition reality and self-issues can be compared to the plot of the story. 

Wolf would be synonymous to difference. A different personality or a different path. Throughout the story, I found myself betting that "hey this kid will choose the wolf path and this one the human path". It was fun trying to predict but what I thought would be the result was not what happened. How the author did the turning point was way more interesting than what I have formulated while watching. 

The artwork did not impress me that much. It has a Studio Ghibli feel to it although it is not that spectacular. It is still refreshing though. What I truly enjoyed was the soundtrack. There are parts in the movie where there were no conversations and the background music just pulls out emotions. 

I would definitely recommend this to people who loved watching Studio Ghibli films. It may not be from the same production but it has the same magical feeling.


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