The Dorm
"Sakurasou" is a dormitory that is part of the art division of their school which keeps trouble-making students. Trouble-making is probably a big word but that is how they define it. They are not really delinquents or such. They just happen to do random things that caused them to move away from the regular dormitories.
The Occupants
Some are born with talent that brings success in a lift of a finger -- not. Actually, the writer didn't make them almighty that they'd actually hold no problem in earth. Surprisingly, what appears to be their strength has an equal weakness.
On the other hand the protagonist, Sorata is someone who was sent to Sakurasou since he kept cats that are not allowed in regular dorms. He isn't talented, he doesn't even have a dream.
The Chase
Each of the occupants, has a goal. Yeap, Sorata was able to find his and is now up to chase his dreams. Each of them works to live their youth to the fullest, fulfill their desires and satisfy themselves.
However it is a fact that chasing a dream doesn't come easy.
"You can play catch-up all your life but never even get close"Take for example, Aoyama, the one that wants to be a voice actress. She was not born with the talent but have been forged with passion. She gives it her all, getting sick, being rejected, day and night she tries her best even paying for her school expenses herself. She's probably the strongest character there is in this series.
To desire or dream ignites a person's soul to give everything. It boils down to frustration if goals were not met. this results to problems arising between friends whom they wanted to work with side-by-side but failed.
Jealousy was also evident here. You'll see a friend, talented, excelling, and you, you got to push beyond reason, "...the world is unfair"
But if you are the one talented, you won't understand. Why do they stay away from me? Having no one around you makes the soul lonely resulting to emotions that will keep on puzzling you.
Their Growth
The cache here is that they all live in one roof.
Each have a sense of responsibility, sense of giving a listening ear, and the want to live a wonderful youth.
And they do have the company of each other, that despite of fist fights, hurtful words, honest yest saddening truths, they manage to pick themselves up the floor.
Second to the last episode. That is 24. that's the reason. Nope NOPE no explanation from me. It was epic if you appreciate stories that involves friendship. The scene might be cliche, but the speech is something phenomenal IF you understand what was delivered and feel for the characters.
Really, it doesn't matter what form of medium: live action, anime, English series, movies -- doesn't matter how something is presented. What is important is the words, your understanding and the impact it makes to you.
Everybody has different point of views, and I love writers who tells stories that draws my emotions out.
This won't probably be the last of my point of views.
Will be writing more once I finished watching other.
Will be writing more once I finished watching other.
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